Thursday 6 December 2012

Cyclists and drivers – lets kiss and make up

The War on Britain’s Roads documentary has insensed drivers and cyclists everywhere.  While the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group and various others bemoaned the irresponsibility of the BBC airing the programme, having watched it I am of a mind to disagree.

Mostly there were lots of angry people but for what it's worth here is what I took from the programme.
  • Slapping the side of a moving vehicle is pretty stupid and just riles people.
  • Clapping and jeering other road users is pathetic and childish.
  • Taxi drivers are not all out to kill cyclists, although they can have a tendency to drive on the edge of the limit and carve us up. 
  • It is very scary when buses or cars drive close to the cycle lanes.  But if they are not overlapping they are not doing anything wrong.   Cyclists need to get used to it.
  • Driver blind spots occur in different places depending on the size of the vehicle.  HGV, buses and car drivers all have different perspectives.  
  • Weaving in and out of traffic at pace is perhaps the quickest way to get you killed.  Drivers can’t see us and it is bad practice.
  • The police cyclist on the programme is doing one hell of a job.   Not sure about suggesting we might use a whistle to be seen though?   I don’t have a bell on my bike but I have a voice.
  • The tragic death of one cyclist and the courage of the mother to challenge Cemex at its AGM is a cracking example of how well thought through actions and communication has actually led to the company taking corrective action.  Well done!
  • The guy riding around pretending to be a cycling guardian angel looking for drivers offending cyclists (@trafficdroid) is a bit of a mentalist.
One journalist wrote this week “cyclists need to be vigilant not vigilantes”.   I wish I had written that but it is certainly a motto I will take to heart.  There is fault in all corners with examples of cyclists riding badly and drivers driving irresponsibly.   Given it’s supposed to be the season of goodwill can I appeal to the citizen within you whether you are a cyclist, bus, lorry or taxi driver and lets see if we can’t try to rub along together and maybe even kiss and make up.